The New Order
OnThe photo shows actor-rapper Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) being force-fed, as a protest against procedure at Guantanamo Bay Prison. Force-feeding...
Leading scientist in the field of nutrition
The photo shows actor-rapper Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) being force-fed, as a protest against procedure at Guantanamo Bay Prison. Force-feeding...
I have always loved the Beaufort wind scale, first developed in 1805 and woven into shipping forecasts since 1867. Despite...
Hi, my name is Paul and I’ve had a drug habit for 15 years. It started with personal trauma, which...
The number of people with chronic degenerative diseases is rising, and so are the prices of pharmaceuticals. Healthcare costs everywhere...
The modern diet condemns so many of us to chronic degenerative disease and premature death that it is dragging average...
‘Good fences’ is lifted, of course, from Robert Frost’s sinewy poem Mending Wall. Written in 1914, as fences were starting...
I was not born in the USA. I landed late in life, at the spot where Ponce de Leon sought...
In the USA, and in many other developed nations, diet quality used to follow a socioeconomic gradient. Those at the...
My sincere apologies for not being able to participate in the health conference in Poland. I was looking forward so...