Vive la Resistance!
Vaccine resistance is growing. This should not come as a surprise to anyone, because resistance to intervention is a ground rule of evolutionary biology.
Take antibiotics.
Over time, if you apply an external threat to a genetically unstable population of bacteria, a cell will emerge with a mutation that allows it to survive preferentially. This cell’s descendants will carry increasingly resistant genes down through the generations until the antibiotic becomes ineffective. In an elegant example of Darwin’s natural selection, antibiotic use selects for antibiotic resistance. After decades of uncritical antibiotic overuse, we may be at the end of the age of antibiotics (ie 1-3).
The same pattern is seen with cancer drugs (ie 4), herbicides (5, 6), pesticides (7), anti-trypanosomals (8), anti-viral drugs (9) and anti-viral vaccines (ie 10, 31). The Covid ‘vaccines’ are no different. Data from the UK, US and Israel show that Covid vaccine efficacy is fading fast, and is clearly less effective than the natural immunity gained after Covid infection (11-26), in both symptomatic and asymptomatic cases (15). So where do we go next?
In Israel, the PM Naftali Bennet recently opined that the most vulnerable are ‘those who received two vaccine doses, they walk around feeling protected but must quickly get vaccinated with the third dose’ (27). His Covid ‘czar’ Salman Zarka is now promoting a fourth jab, a fifth (28) … while in Australia, NSW Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant sees repeat booster shots being necessary for ever (29).
I assume that these three stooges have substantial Pharma holdings, because this is not a sensible way forward. There are better options.
One of these is to catch Covid and develop natural immunity.
The odds are surprisingly reasonable (30); among all individuals, vaccinated and unvaccinated, the global survival rate is 99.2%. Among those under 70 the survival rate is 99.97%, and higher if you do not have one of the significant co-morbidities. The survival rate for children is 99.995%.
In naturally acquired immunity, the immune system makes many different antibodies to different parts of the virus including the spike and multiple structures in the viral envelope. The vaccines target the spike only, and produce a much smaller number of antibodies (18, 24, 51) The smaller range of antibodies makes it easier for the virus to mutate enough to escape immune control (31, 51), and is one reason why current vaccines do not clear the virus.
For this reason Covid vaccines are categorized as ‘leaky’ vaccines. Vaccinated subjects shed viruses, become reinfected and infect others (32), which explains why the virus is spreading rapidly in heavily vaccinated areas (33). Vaccinated folk who think themselves virtuous are in fact Typhoid Mary’s, full of Covid virus (34) and infecting the unvaccinated.
Worse, in individuals with a pre-existing immunity against SARS-CoV-2, the second vaccine dose not only fails to boost humoral immunity but downgrades the spike-specific T cell and spike-specific antibody responses (25). The vaccines seem to be degrading naturally acquired immunity.
And it gets more problematic. The Covid ‘vaccines’ are driving viral evolution, and not necessarily in a good way.
Virulence is related to replication rates: The more pathogens there are in a person, the sicker that person generally becomes. This cuts two ways. More pathogens shed in bodily fluids means more hosts if they are available; but at the same time more risk of killing the first host before new ones can be found. This is why, over time, some pathogens become less virulent (ie 35).
Leaky vaccines change the math. By enabling pathogens to multiply unchecked while giving some protection to the primary host, viral and other pathogens can more easily evolve to become deadlier because they can gain the benefits of increased replication rates (virulence) without costs. This is how Marek’s virus has become more lethal in poultry (36), leading to higher mortality and eventually to vaccine failure.
Are the vaccines at least safe? VAERS reporting reveals that the numbers of those damaged or killed by Covid vaccines are greater than for all other vaccines combined (37, 38). The numbers of Covid vaccines administered are probably as high or higher than for all other vaccines, including the many flu vaccines, so this is not in itself conclusive.
However, the top-down VAERS system suffers from significant under-reporting (39-41), a problem with any passive reporting system, so we need also to ask what is happening at the intermediate level (national death statistics), and on the front line.
At the intermediate level, the UK data is inconclusive (42). Among the under-50’s, deaths occurring within 28 days of confirmed Covid include 48 unvaccinated and a mere 13 who were doubly vaccinated. In the over-50’s the picture is reversed, with 205 deaths in unvaccinated and 389 in the doubly vaccinated. As roughly 2/3 of the population have been vaccinated (43), this hardly provides a conclusive case for vaccination.
Finally, some news from the front. Dr Ryan Cole is a polarizing figure with strong anti-Covid vaccine views which have not endeared him to more mainstream figures (44), but he is highly qualified, sees patients, runs a medical lab and appears to take the Hippocratic oath seriously.
Dr Cole reports a consistent decline in CD8+ cell counts in vaccinated subjects (45). These include cytotoxic T cells, which are important for killing cancerous and virally infected cells, and it is concerning that he also reports seeing a) a parallel and significant uptick in cases of herpes, shingles, Papilloma viruses and Molluscum contagiosum and b) an increase in cases of endometrial cancers and invasive melanoma.
When faced with chronic infection and / or clinically successful cancers, CD8+ T cells show a progressive loss of cytokine production and cytotoxicity, a state termed T cell exhaustion. It is bad news if you’re starting out with less of them.
It is important to note that other scientists report enhanced CD8+ cell counts and responses at up to 4 months after vaccination (ie 46). Dr Cole may be seeing a different picture because he is looking at his patients further down the line. I asked his lab for details but have not yet received a response.
Pro- vs anti-vax is a false dichotomy, and I believe that individual vaccines must be judged on their own merits. Some vaccines have better risk / benefit ratios than others.
I accepted two work-related vaccines this year but will not take Covid shots because of insufficient efficacy and unclear safety data, and because I have had Covid. I would not give the shots to children, in whom the longer-term results of codon-optimised gene therapies simply cannot be predicted.
For a disease with a 99.7% survival rate for those below age 70, mass vaccination makes no sense when the shots do not prevent infection or transmission, do not prevent severe infection, hospitalization and deaths, will require new variant vaccines / boosters indefinitely, and, for all we know, may eventually cause more deaths than the disease it is supposed to prevent.
Moving on to treatment options the people’s choice is currently Ivermectin, a safe and well-known drug re-purposed for Covid. Medical opinion on this re-purposing is deeply divided. Clinical trials and meta-analyses have shown positive results (47/48, 49) but substantial problems with the data mean that the case cannot yet be said to be proven.
Other interesting potential treatments are the nitric oxide nasal spray, which cuts viral load by 95% within 24 hours and 99% within 72 hours (50); and KIB500 aka exogenous lactoperoxidase, which I used myself. Neither of these have been put through a clinical trial, yet.
What is certain is that we can improve our chances via lifestyle modification. The major co-morbidities which increase the risk of severe illness and death (obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, innate immune dysfunction, dysbiosis and chronic inflammatory stress), can all be modified using dietary change and supplementation.
This kind of lifestyle change is cheaper and safer than the political classes’ preferred enforced immunisations, mask mandates and lockdowns. It will make us all healthier by providing protection not only against Covid, but also against the 95% of deaths that are NOT linked to Covid. And by removing a major excuse for governmental coercion, it may even help to protect our shrinking political freedoms.
Next week: We are all the walking dead now.
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