The Mandible Claw
OnAs an adolescent I used to occasionally watch professional wrestling on a dusty old black and white 12” TV set...
Leading scientist in the field of nutrition
As an adolescent I used to occasionally watch professional wrestling on a dusty old black and white 12” TV set...
Don’t panic. I’m not going to start with a Hitchhiker quote. HHGTTG has not worn well, IMHO, and should be...
Is it just me, or is everything getting worse? Each time I stumble on a new interest and start digging...
1954 was my first year at school, a Presbyterian establishment which built large numbers of doctors, lawyers and civil servants....
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) has become very common in ageing males. Like so many other chronic disorders it is increasing,...
A surprising number of people requested a post on heavy metals. They are certainly a nutritional issue in some parts...
In the 18th century, before cells were identified as the basic unit of life, scientists believed we were made out...
Preeclampsia affects up to eight percent of pregnant women worldwide, and kills 75,000 mothers and 500,000 babies each year (1)....
Isotope 1H, common or garden hydrogen, comprises 99.98% of all hydrogen. It is in the air we breathe and the...