A Place for Everything …
OnMulticellular organisms like you and me have a complex and shifting relationship with microbes. We need the right amounts of...
Leading scientist in the field of nutrition
Multicellular organisms like you and me have a complex and shifting relationship with microbes. We need the right amounts of...
The darkest hour is just before dawn. And that’s when the trouble really starts. Previous posts looked at the decline...
Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa is either under a Jersey City landfill, a barn in the Detroit suburbs, the turf of...
In medieval times, relics were the thing if you wanted to stay well. Some opted for fragments of the bones...
Peto’s Paradox (1), named after the great epidemiologist and statistician Sir Richard Peto, is well known in cancer circles. If...
The period formerly known as the Dutch Golden Age, which ran through much of the 17th century, was a golden...
Mammas, don’t let your babies grow up to be rugby players. A recent research paper (1) found that after a...
The gut-brain connection is increasingly well-documented. From autism (1) to emotional well-being (2), multiple aspects of personality (3), disorders of...
Almost all of the cells in your body have the same genes, but they display different forms and functions in...