Dr. Paul Clayton’s new book will focus on immune system
Famous scientist in the field of pharmaco-nutrition dr. Paul Clayton is working on a new book which is a companion to the “Let Your Food be Your Pharmaco-Nutrition. The New Road to Health, Healing and Happiness”.
Dr. Paul Clayton’s last book, “Let Your Food Be Your Pharmaco-Nutrition”, showed how to protect against degenerative disease. It sold over 100,000 copies, and is available in 25 languages.
The new companion book, which shows how to protect against infectious diseases, is out soon.
Paul’s new book uses the same simple but science-based approach to show how the immune system works, and how you can help it to work better; using nature’s most effective immuno-enhancers and -modulators to protect against infection, allergy and auto-immunity.
“We are seeing unprecedented levels of allergy, autoimmune disease and infection. Our immune systems are being damaged by our modern lifestyles; just as we are approaching the end of the age of antibiotics. The new book shows how to rebalance your immune system in the 21st century, and achieve better health”, Dr. P. Clayton says.
Dr. P. Clayton is a former scientific advisor to UK government’s Committee on Safety of Medicines and Chair of the Forum of Food&Health of the Royal Society of Medicine.
He works with leading doctors and clinical scientists at centres of clinical expertise in many countries, designing and supervising pre-clinical and clinical trials of pharmaco-nutritional interventions.
Dr. Clayton’s books and e-books include Health Defence, After Atkins, Natural Defences, Out of the Fire and Let Your Food be Your Pharmaco-nutrition.